Laboratory & Plant

The company's chemical laboratory is equipped with the best instruments necessary for the control of raw materials and finished products.

  • Gas chromatographs: PerkinElmer Clarus 500 – Dani;
  • Spectrophotometers: PerkinElmer, Hach Lange;
  • Instrument for sulfur content determination and filtration: Oxford X-Supreme, FBT SETA;
  • Rancimat for oxidative stability: Metrohm;
  • Densimeters up to the fifth decimal place, with analysis certification: Mettler Toledo Densimeter Aut. DE45 Deltarange;
  • Instrument for Cold Filter Plugging Point (CFPP) determination: ISL – FPP 5Gs;
  • Instrument for sulfur content determination: Sindie 7039 Bench Top Analyzer;
  • Viscometers;
  • Pilot plants;
  • In addition to thermostatic baths, precision balances, ovens, and other equipment for the complete efficiency of the laboratory.


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Via della Meccanica, 16, Aprilia (LT)
P.IVA 02575570920


06.9280458 06.9258669 06.93376900
Fax 06.92850471


Produces biodiesel destined for both Italy and Germany, France, Greece, Croatia, and other European countries.

  • Biodiesel
  • Glycerin
  • Distilled fatty acids
  • Vegetable oleins


Headquarters and plant in Aprilia: Via della Meccanica, 16 – 04011 Aprilia (LT)
Tel. 06.9280458 | 06.9258669 | 06.93376900 Fax 06.92850471 VAT number: 02575570920


URS United Registrar of system – certification

It has certified the company’s Quality Management System ISO 9001:2008 for the production of methyl ester (BIODIESEL) for automotive, heating, and chemical intermediates production, with certificate number 31025/A/0001/UK/It, issued on April 27, 2010.

Bureau Veritas Certification France

It has certified the Procedures for Process Verification according to the 2BSvs standard for the BIODIESEL product from used oil (UCO) and animal fat (AF), with certificate number 2BS010104, issued on November 22, 2011.

Sustainability Management System

DP Lubrificanti has adopted (for biodiesel production) a Sustainability Management System compliant with the ISCC EU – International Sustainability & Carbon Certification standard. Further emphasis is given to the certifications displayed, in the constant commitment to maintaining and implementing sustainability, traceability, and mass balance management requirements in accordance with the Directive 2009/28/EC.


URS United Registrar of system – certification

Ha certificato il Sistema di Gestione Qualità aziendale ISO 9001:2008 Produzione di estere metilico (BIODIESEL) per autotrazione, riscaldamento e produzione di intermedi per prodotti chimici numero del certificato: 31025/A/0001/UK/It del 27 aprile 2010.

Bureau Veritas Certification France

Ha certificato le Procedure per la Verifica di Processo Secondo lo standard 2BSvs per il prodotto BIODIESEL da olio usato (UCO) e da grasso animale (AF) numero del certificato: 2BS010104 del 22 novembre 2011.

Sistema di gestione della sostenibilitá

DP Lubrificanti ha adottato (per la produzione del BIODIESEL) un Sistema di Gestione della Sostenibilità conforme allo standard ISCC EU – International Sustainability & Carbon Certification. Ulteriore rilievo è dato alle certificazioni esposte, nel costante impegno di mantenere e implementare i requisiti di sostenibilità, tracciabilità e gestione del bilancio di massa in modo conforme ai requisiti della Direttiva 2009/28/CE.